The Barter Players
Profesional theatrical productions that are designed to inspire our next generation.

Winnie the Pooh
Directed by Nathan Whitmae
Barter Theatre 2014
Retelling the classic tale of Winnie the Pooh and his friends in a refreshing and playful way. Inspired by everyday home-made and home-patched stuffed animals that can be found in every child's room, our production of Winnie the Pooh brings new personalities to characters we all grew up with. By mixing and matching textures and patterns, we were able to create a childlike world and wardrobe for these woodland creatures while still honoring the very classical silhouettes.

Bridge to Terabithia
Directed by Katy Brown
Barter Theatre 2014
It's a story about friendship, love, imagination and regrets. It's the memory we all have that is sparkly and glittery but would also trigger a tear. It's the childhood experience that makes us who we are now.
Our production of Bridge to Terabithia is a whimsical musical that lures audience into this beautiful magical world created by two children who believe in imagination. By segregating the reality from the magical Terabithia with the use of colors and dye treatments, not to mention the exciting choreography and excellent acting, we were able to bring the imaginative country to life.
Inspired by Jesse's love for art and the water color set Leslie gave him for Christmas, we used various ombre and batik techniques to present the world Jesse paints with imagination after Leslie's tragedy.

Jack and the Beanstalk
Directed by Katy Brown
Barter Theatre 2014
Our production of Jack and the Beanstalk is upbeat and imaginative. Actors are introduced as children playing in an old barn when they start to find objects that inspire them to tell the story of Jack. All costume changes happen fast and on stage. We were given a chance to create some very interesting and smartly-purposed costume props that would be found in a barn for the actors' transformations. It is a performace full of surprises and room for our young audeince's imagination.

Sleeping Beauty
Directed by John Hardy
Barter Theatre 2014
Coming Soon!!!